Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Rancic's ~ How Sweet They Are!

We all know them or surely you have all heard of the famous couple, Bill and Giuliana Rancic! Well I had the pleasure of meeting them recently and they are the sweetest couple!  Of course, I have been a big fan of G's for years watching her on the red carpet, E! news, their hit TV show, etc.  She is hilarious! 

How the meeting came about; of course I follow Giuliana and her wine XO, G wine on Instagram and saw they were having a Meet and Greet in Pineville, Missouri.  So I googled the town instantly and saw it was a short 3 hour drive from where I live!  So I begged the hubs to take a road trip with me and he said YES!  So we made the plans to leave at 6 a.m. and head South!  Day trip!!  I was so nervous...the whole way down...talking, talking, talking and as we neared our destination, seriously started to sweat!  I was about the meet the Rancic's!!!   

For days I wondered what I would say, what I was going to have her autograph, what I was going to wear.  And please dear lord let me have a good hair day!!   Found the perfect shirt to wear, luckily it was warm that day so I didn't have to walk around in a bulky winter coat...I opted for my new chic white sweatshirt (that I might add my BFF gave me for Christmas), with Gold Foil letting "Goal Digger"...perfect!! 

When we arrived in Pineville at the Walmart, the parking lot was not very full. My initial thought, "Is this for real, where is everyone, the signing is like 45 minutes away"...but yay for me!  I walked right in, bought my XO, G wine and headed for the line!  Boo-yah, I was only the third person back and while standing there waiting, made some awesome new friends from Arkansas!! 

When the Rancic's arrived, they instantly said Hello and waived to everyone. O.M.G., there they are, like 15 feet from me.  This is happening.  As I waited patiently, kind of, I watched at how sweet they were, not rushing people through and taking the time to talk to those of us that made the journey.  As we walked up to meet them, they greeted us with warm smiles, introduced themselves and shook our hands.  She also said, " I love your sweatshirt!"....#score!  Picture time!!!  Although we only took one photo together, it was the four us (Bill, Jason, Myself, and Giuliana) the picture turned out great!  While Bill and Jason were talking Dallas Cowboys football, G was signing my postcard and because I needed something more than just a postcard, I decided to have her sign my Leather Rustic Cuff.  I knew she was a fan of RC and I am pretty sure that was a first for her to sign...she said to Bill "Look Honey, Rustic Cuff, I love Rustic Cuff."  Something I know I will have for forever and the postcard with her autograph will be framed with our picture!  Of course, there were things I wanted to say to how we visited RMP Italian in Chicago last year for our Anniversary, but my mind was just too overwhelmed! 

As we exited, they were both so thankful for us coming to see them!  We stood there for a bit, I was snapping a few more pics, and just watching them interact.  And FYI, the wine is amazing!!  Later that day XO, G posted only a few pics from the signing on their IG account and ours made the cut!  Eeeekkk! Plus as I tweeted a pic of my new wine by XO, G...Giuliana retweeted it on her Twitter page...another Eeeekkk!  And last but not least, I had posted a pic on IG of the RC that Giuliana had signed...she "liked" the pic and so did Leeza Gibbons!  It was just the best day!

This is Karen, the lady behind XO, G wine. She was so sweet!

Photo by XO, G wine on Instagram

My amazing Leathrer Rustic Cuff that G signed....ahhhhhh!!
 Happy Reading,

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