Thursday, May 26, 2016

Social Media and our Love-Hate Relationship

Occasionally I get an idea to write about something other than Fashion, Food, or, I am discussing my take on Social Media and why we have a Love-Hate Relationship.  I remember when my friend told me about Facebook..I am pretty sure all the young pups already had it for a while and I remember telling her, "No, thanks."  But eventually, I gave into the pressure and signed up! I can't even remember the year it happened. It was followed by Twitter and Instagram...and at the time I had no clue how it could and would effect me and my life.

You are going to read things you don't like, things you may agree with, things you may want to roll your eyes at..and guess what, that's ok! I hope to read people's opinions and takes on this blog because I actually use them as a way to see different point's of view.  Negative or Positive, there is usually a message.  For me, sometimes expressing opinions, views, or feelings on issues is easier with writing...I am not famous, don't intend on being either, but maybe someone will relate or take something away from this real life post.  Here goes, real talk.

I recently read an article relating to IG and Facebook and people's obsession with the number of "likes" they get.  Say what? As I sat there reading it, I thought to myself, I can relate to this gal.  I never used to give two shits about what people thought, and in some ways I still don't, but I find myself looking at the "number".  Lame, right?  What I realized is that, "likes" mean nothing..."likes" and now Facebook has all the other emotions too, do not make you who you are.  I can't believe I actually thought that it meant something about myself to have them.  I have a lot of friends; old friends, new friends, work friends, friends who I may have met only once, but we are all connected...that's what Social Media does. It connects people.  Sometimes, it connects people in ways you would never imagine, sometimes that is a good thing. Other times, not so can assume what I am referring to here.

Instagram...hello #hashtags! I love them...just ask anyone that follows me.  Now, talk about a way to connect.  I have had many new opportunities with IG and to be honest, I wouldn't trade it.  Since moving back to KC a year ago, I have been able to do some pretty amazing events around the city and I love that! I have connected with people who know people and you know what they say, "it's about who you know."  To an extent, this seems to be true.

Social Media is the now, I get that, and I have no intention of giving it up. But, that doesn't mean I don't struggle with it.  And I wonder if I am alone in this, do others have the same struggles? You know those people who "stalk" your page...I am going to be honest, I am one of them.  Not like "creeper" kinda stalking, just perusing pages, looking at pictures, reading posts, etc.  For me, I honestly like looking at people's photos...those who I don't get to see as much as I would like too.  I have many friends and family who live elsewhere and I like seeing what they do, their kiddos, their lives...because let's be real, talking on the phone is very rare these days (call me old-fashioned, I prefer to talk on the phone), and what I hear most is because it's easier to text and people don't have time to "be on the phone."  Guilty... but I am working on the phone calls. It's a choice to make time, just like making time for anything else in your life!  That's a whole different subject.

So back to the "likes" and this article that I read, it really spoke to me.  What society has created can at times be an illusion and that illusion is carried out on Social Media.  Now before you get all pissed off at that statement, not everyone creates an illusion and I am guessing most people are real and if they aren't, well, I think that is just sad.  Not going to lie, but I too feel upset at times when certain people don't "like" something that I post but then I see them "liking" something else posted by someone that they don't even know.  It's weird to me.  Why this one and not that? It is really just a simple "like"?  Could it maybe be sending a different message to someone and not always one that is intended.  I think it can offer someone to read into something that isn't.  I am saying this because I have found myself thinking this too. Literally, I want to slap myself for this...typing it out sounds ridiculous, but hey, I am being honest with you so there ya go.

My point to this post...who care's how many likes, loves, or whatever you have.  But for real, I still like getting them, we all do. That's the love-hate relationship I am talking about.  However, I am trying to not let it define me or overthink about it too much. Another guilty charge...I overthink everything and I find myself doing this more and more with Social Media. Whatever it is, Facebook, IG, Twitter and all of the other sites I have yet to attempt or even know about, remember who you are and don't let society define that.  Yes, the struggle is real.

Now, I have to go prepare my next IG photo...
Looking forward to your comments :)

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